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You may be used to setting up SCSS compilers or PostCSS pipelines by hand in 11ty. With Slinkity, we say... no more! Let's learn how to wire up your favorite flavor of CSS using little-to-no config with Vite.

We recommend using Vite to process all styles in your project. For instance, say our project directory looks like this:


Goal: load styles/global.scss into our index.html. We'll start by installing the sass package into our project:

npm i -D sass

Then, we'll apply our stylesheet using a single <link> tag in our document's <head>. It's similar to how we load any stylesheet on the web πŸ™ƒ

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/@root/styles/global.scss">

You'll notice 2 interesting pieces here:

  1. We start our href with /@root. This is one of several import aliases we include out of the box with Slinkity. These make importing from directories outside your build output as easy as possible. In this case, we're importing from the styles directory at the "root" of our project. See our import alias docs for a full list of preconfigured import aliases and ways to add our own.
  2. We keep the .scss file extension. As long as Vite understands a file extension you're trying to use (scss works out-of-the-box), it's happy to process that file into something browsers can understand. See Vite's docs on styling for all preprocessors they support, and ways to use your favorite one.

As long as you understand import aliases and keep Vite's style configuration docs bookmarked, you're ready to rock with Slinkity 🎸

Say your stylesheet imports a number of extra chunks:

/* styles/global.scss */
/* relative imports */
@import url('./variables.css')
@import url('./mixins.css')
/* import aliases */
@import url('/@root/utils/normalize.css')
@import url('/@root/utils/base.css')


As long as you're using a) a relative import path or b) an import alias, these imports will just workℒ️. Vite is smart enough to resolve these nested imports and include them in the final build output. These imports will also be bundled in-line for production builds using postcss-import (see Vite's docs for more details).

Slinkity supports everything Vite supports for PostCSS. You can happily:

  • Add a postcss.config.js file at the base of your project for Vite to find
  • Add extra resources (ex. a tailwind.config.js) to extend your config further. Following Tailwind's docs should cover that use case without any trouble, but you can find a Tailwind + Slinkity example here for a copy / paste solution πŸ™ƒ
  • Install any necessary plugins using a Vite config at the base of your project. More on config here

Slinkity + Vite will handle CSS import statements and CSS modules out-of-the-box, as long as you include a slinkified data prop in your document head (more in the next section). A common use case is pairing CSS modules with React's JSX-based components. Some examples:

// works with modules
import styles from './component.module.scss'
// works with import aliases
import '/@root/styles/theme.scss'
// works with CSS from your node_modules
import 'npm-package/global-styles.css'

You might be wondering: what does Vite actually do with my processed stylesheets when I build my site? This will depend on whether you're --serveing or building for production.

If you're using the dev server, all files (styles, scripts, etc) are stored in Vite's internal cache and served on request. This means stylesheets will only be compiled for the given page you're viewing in your browser. So:

  1. No more waiting on a build process to bundle every stylesheet in your project. It only builds the resources necessary for the page you're viewing.
  2. You get hot module reloading (HMR) whenever you edit your stylesheets. This means no more browser refreshes; you'll see your styling changes instantly, while keeping any JavaScript state intact.

If you're building your site for deployment, all stylesheets will be processed to plain CSS files under Vite's configured assets directory. This is /assets by default, but can be configured via a Vite config.

Let's see how a production build may look. For this input:

πŸ“‚ Input folder structure


πŸ“„ Input index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/@root/styles/global.scss">

You'll get an output similar to this (using default settings):

πŸ“‚ Output folder structure

# note: something-imported-by-global.scss was bundled in-line

πŸ“„ Output index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index.[file-hash].css">